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  • ''What did the Chamber of Commerce Ever Do For Me?''

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    December 10, 2018
    From the Historical Files, “What did the Chamber of Commerce Ever Do For Me?”
    Intro paragraph by Scott Herceg, Executive Director
    One of our Chamber Ambassadors was cleaning out some very old files in their office recently and they came across a copy of an article that had appeared in the Cheboygan Daily Tribune in 1939.  When they brought it to a recent Ambassador Team Meeting we found it very interesting and thought we should share it with you as our article this week.  It is a little dated in some places but we were also pleasantly surprised by how much of it is actually still applicable today.  The author is unknown but I wish I could have met him/her.   They sound like a great cheerleader for Cheboygan and the Cheboygan Chamber of Commerce.  So enjoy this piece of Cheboygan Chamber History…..
    “I’ve been doing some checking on this Chamber of Commerce thing – and Mister, it opened my eyes.  The one in my town helped me keep my job.  Maybe even made it possible in the first place.  There’s quite a jump between me and the folks who buy the stuff I help to make.  They may be across the ocean in a foreign country. Or they may be living in the next town.  Where ever they are, it’s no cinch to sell’em and keep’em sold.
    I don’t know much about freight rates, price agreements, quantity discounts, tariffs, or all of those things I read about in the papers. But I do know that they all add up to make the going plenty tough these days.  And I know that the Chamber of Commerce is one outfit that’s’ doing a lot to keep things moving – and moving smoothly.
    If the factory burns down, the payroll goes up in smoke, doesn’t it?  And what about the grocer and butcher who get theirs from the payroll?  That’s why the Chamber of Commerce has played such a strong part in fire prevention.  And sick workmen can’t make any money.  Reason enough for the Chamber’s keeping an eye peeled for local health conditions, cooperating with clean-up and beautify the city drives, and so forth.  The Chamber’s been working hard on harbor improvements, too.  And that’ll be a big help when the program is all completed.  Me?  Oh, I get my share when my work is steady.
    There are lots of other things too:  work on improving Aloha State Park dock; the Builder’s Show and other events to make the county folks and the city folks better acquainted; and constant efforts to bring new factories, conventions, summer visitors – to CHEBOYGAN.  Now I know that some of these things mean a lot more to other folks than they do to me – but Cheboygan’s MY TOWN – and if these things are good for Cheboygan, why, I’m just naturally for them.
    The Chamber of Commerce?  Sure!  I’m for that too!”
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